Q: I read your little bio about your own losses and shed tears for your family. How were you able to sustain your strength and continue to grow your family? Such an amazing photo of your family and your precious angels. ❤️ Did you create that?
A: 🦋 we did create that photo ❤️ thank you for reading our story 🥲 losing our girls has helped us appreciate all life so much more. Every breath is a miracle.
In losing Launa we felt there was no way we would risk experiencing that pain again. We didn't speak of losing Launa for seven years. 😔 Losing Jaine was an equal shock and we continue to see her in the preschool children today. We have learned that remembering is not only remembering their death but also their life.
36 weeks of life is still a miracle and a gift, many are not so lucky. So while we receive and grieve in memory of their death... we give and love in memory of their life.
Healing has come through remembering both (their life and death) and trusting that God is good. 💞 Their life is a gift that has changed us and inspires us to be better people. We never "moved on" from them... we "move forward" *with* them.
In recognizing the gift of life, we realized we would do it all again. Even with the same result, It is worth it to know them. We hoped never to have to experience it again. After having done so, we are more convinced of the same. Jaine is SO worth it. 🦋
There is no foot too small to leave an imprint on this world 👣