Q: I’m giving this to a friend and I realize she might not want the date to be listed. It was of course traumatic and I’m not sure she wants a reminder of the day, just the child. What would you recommend?
A: Every experience is different so you are right to be empathic and sensitive on this topic. 💞
Although our daughter's births were traumatic, painful and heartbreaking. It was something we can never forget. We want people to remember the day... because they were the most unforgettable experiences of our lives.
No-one who has gone through it could ever forget it... The moment we saw them is a moment we hold close even though it is painful. Like remembering 911... there is power and comfort in hearing from a friend, "We will never forget."
Whatever you choose, we recommend you let them know, that you want to remember the day. If she would prefer you can remove the date... you want it to be perfect for her. That you love her, hurt with her and every time her day comes up you will remember her baby.
Whether she wants the date or not, she will be comforted in knowing you will remember a day she will never forget. 🥲🤍🦋
Sending Gratitude Love and Hope.