We all have storms to weather, but there is one who brings the light of a new day.

a painting in memory of Laney Theodora Ricki Holtan from MN 

"Laney Theodora Ricki Holtan, our first born daughter, arrived on July 1st, 2019. She was born with a true umbilical knot on her scheduled repeat c-section date. Laney was 7lbs 7oz, 21 3/4 inches long, and the most strikingly beautiful and peaceful baby girl we’d ever laid eyes on, she literally took our breath away. We can’t even fathom our little girl will be celebrating her 5th birthday this summer.

How we envision Laney at 5 years old. She has lighter to medium brown hair - thick and long with maybe a slight wave. Large piercing blue eyes, similar to her sisters (Estee - 3.5, Calla - 1.5). Skin color with an olive tone, similar to her mother’s. She also has the biggest dimples, just like both her younger sisters!Â
Laney was the most active baby in utero! We feel she would have been the same here on Earth; however, there is a calm and peaceful demeanor to her energy. We know she would be wise beyond her years, like her older brother (Declan- 10). She often smiles through her eyes; you can read many of her emotions through her eyes.Â
After Laney was born we felt so much of her presence in nature: the wind, butterflies, hummingbirds, rainbows, waves on the lake, Lady’s Slipper orchids (pink and white). Our son was 5 years old when Laney was born, and the week after her birth the country-road ditch along our property was filled with “Laney Slippers”, as Declan called them, so many more than we’ve ever seen in prior years. If a butterfly flew around him, it was “Laney’s here to play”. On the day of her funeral and interment, the skies rained so incredibly fierce, as if even the Heavens were crying with us. We often sit on our front porch, enjoying our country-side location, feeling the breeze and hearing all nature’s majestic sounds. Laney is everywhere in nature leaving us her signs.
When I was pregnant with Estee, our second born daughter, I had a very vivid dream. My dream consisted of a taller girl with long legs, soft/light brown thick long semi- wavy hair, tan skin; and a younger girl who was a little shorter with shorter legs, and blonde wavy hair, more fair skin. They were both standing at the edge of a lake barefoot, a little in the water, with their backs to me, looking out into the distance of the lake with white flowy dresses to about mid-shin. We
always chose to keep our children’s gender a surprise for birth, but I knew it was Laney (taller, thin, soft/light brown haired girl) and our soon to be baby - Estee (shorter stature, blonde wavy haired girl). I believe Laney came to let us know everything was okay, and she was sending us another baby girl. Estee has always had such a special bond with Laney, which is even more special and sentimental.Â
We have been so blessed with four of God’s beautiful children. We inspire to use your portrait of precious Laney to show Declan, Estee, and Calla what she would look like today; for Laney to continue to grow in our minds and hearts.Â

With love always,Â
Ashley and AaronÂ